Form III
Form III
In Form III, the children make their way up the staircase into Preparatory where they hone their independence and organisational skills. To meet the high standards that our staff has set, they must take responsibility for their own stationary and increased homework schedule. Within the extensive curriculum, Form III are taught by subject teachers throughout the afternoon, who provide stimulating lessons and captivate students through gripping topics such as; The Wonder of Magnets, The Development of Fossils, Pablo Picasso, The Stone Age and Ancient Egyptians. Additionally, they learn the fundamental skills of both verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
In English, students cover high quality texts such as, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’, ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’, ‘The Great Kapok’ and many wonderful books which create elevated involvement, from even the more reluctant writers. With their increased vocabulary and grasp of grammatical terminology, they can write in many genres and foster their creative spirit.
Children gain confidence in their ability to use mathematical concepts as they have a deeper comprehension of the four operations in maths. Furthermore, to support children in understanding the value of maths in the real world, a lot of emphasis is placed on word problems in all areas. One of the highlights of the week in Form III, is The Rainbow Maths Challenge. Working through the colours of the rainbow, the children receive a timed arithmetic test and work hard to get their highest score; an excellent method of tracking their development as they improve their scores and accrue stickers.

Click to view: The Mount School - Equipment List
Click to view: KS2 Homework Timetable