

Proprietor Contact Information

The proprietor of the school is The Mount School Limited, directed by Mr Chris Sellers. He can be contacted by email at all times, even when the school is closed.

[email protected]

01484 426432 (24 hour answering service 365 days per year).

The registered address for all correspondence is:

The Mount School Ltd
3 Binham Road

Company Number: 10806477. Registered in England & Wales.

There have not been any complaints within the academic year 2022-23.

Copies of all policies are also available from the Head Teacher or the school office.

Statement on Religious Beliefs 

Although broadly Christian in character, the School's curriculum supports those of all faiths. We currently have pupils from the Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities as well as families with no religious beliefs. Our assemblies provide opportunities for reflection on moral and spiritual values common to all.

We seek to promote a harmonious atmosphere in school, springing from mutual respect and an understanding of the diversity of our school community.